Heeey sooo welcome to my blog. My name is Izzy and Im 21. As Im learning more and more each day I opened this blog to show what I love to do. At first I'll post some snags for you then some wordart and maybe templates. I've been tagging for around 7 months now. I must say huge THANK YOU to lovely ladies from ''Addicted 2 Taggies'' for welcoming me and helping me learn and grow in PSP world. I appreciate everything you did (and still doing) for me. Love you all. And also big thank you to miss Muriel aka *Creative Disorder for helping me open this blog and for all advices. <3
Hmm what else to say? I hope you will enjoy and find something you like. For any questions,suggestions etc you can contact me on my fb HERE or send me email on izabelaizzy1324@gmail.com